Runner of the Month: October 2015
We think Mark embodies the qualities of a true runner. Not only is he a hard worker, dedicated and is motivated towards any goal he sets out, Mark is one of the nicest people you'll meet. He's supportive, thoughful and we believe he's great…
Runner of the Month: NEW Employee at RE!
Meet the newest member on our staff, Forrest Boughner. Forrest comes with prior experience from working at Run Flagstaff, a specialty run store located in (yep, you guessed it) Flagstaff, AZ. He also raced competitively in college at Birmingham-Sourthern…
Runner of the Month: August 2015
Name: Alan McCormick
Age: 46
Hometown: Radford, VA, though after 22 years in Montana, it might as well be Missoula.
Currently Living: Missoula, MT
Miles Run Per Week: I like to average 20-30. More if I’m training for something…
Runner of the Month: July 2015
Name: Katie Gibson
Age: eek! 41 - I thought that when I moved up to the master's category things would get easier, but there are so many REALLY good master's runners out there. Holy smokes!
Hometown: Butte, America
Currently Living:…
Runner of the Month: June 2015
Name: Lauren Trent
Age: 47
Hometown: Sherman Oaks, CA
Currently Living: Missoula, MT
Miles Run Per Week: 20-25
Why Do You Like Running: In addition to keeping fit, running just makes me happy. It feeds my soul, whether I’m running…
Runner of the Month: May 2015
Name: John Duffield
Age: 68
Hometown: I grew up at Mystic Lake and Thompson Falls
Currently Living: I've been living in Missoula since 1974
Miles Run Per Week: Around 55 during max weeks of usual marathon training cycle