
Runner of the Month: Tammie Dry

Tammie was nominated for Runner of the Month by a friend who she helped motivate to be active consistently. They are both now working on the Frozen Feet Challenge and towards bigger goals this summer! Name: Tammie Dry How long have…

Runner of the Month: December 2018

We have two new faces at Runner's Edge and we'd like to take this opportunity to introduce them to you. Meet Sarah and Alex! Stop by and say hi if you get a chance. Names: Alex Tait and Sarah Knutson Hometowns: AT- Jackson, WY SK-Union,…

Runner of the Month: November 2018

Katy White moved to Missoula a few years ago and has quickly established herself as a fixture in the Missoula running community. She can be seen running anything from the Missoula Marathon, to the Rut, to the upcoming Turkey Day 8k. Recently…

Runner of the Month: October 2018

Ashley Cossairt spends her time in the basement at Runner's Edge orchestrating many of the Run Wild Missoula events and social activities we love. But when she isn't working to improve running in Missoula, she's getting out and running for herself.…

Runner of the Month: May 2018

Name: Olga Helmy How many years have you been running?  I ran intermittently and then only half-heartedly for years, mostly during the off-season from biotech fieldwork, but after I had my second child four years ago, I signed up for a…

Runner of the Month: April 2018

If you show up to any race in the Missoula area, chances are you'll see Kailee Carnes at the start line. Trail or road, she's always looks happy to be there. This winter she's also rallied a group to hit the trails, despite the snow, and they…