Peanut Butter Jar Oatmeal

If you are a true peanut butter lover like me, you cringe over an almost empty jar knowing you can’t scrape the edges enough to get every last bite. I have the perfect solution and it’s a great way to get a healthy breakfast in your belly. Ingredients 1…

Finding Your Inner Antelope: Coaching Tips by Nicole Hunt

Running where Montana's prairies meet the mountains allows me to regularly witness one of nature’s seemingly magical moments as the pronghorn antelope bounds effortlessly up the steep hillsides. Their slender yet powerful legs snap with ease…

New This Year: Marshall Mountain Trail Festival

For years we've brought you a spring trail night at The Runners Edge to celebrate all things trail running. Thisyear we have decided to take trail night to the trails in a new venue with a whole new format! This year we bring to you… The…

Cilantro Rice with Garlic & Black Beans

This Cinco de Mayo inspired recipe is quick and easy to whip up for a week night dinner. Double the recipe for leftovers for a healthy lunch option or serve for breakfast with a side of scrambled eggs! Ingredients: 2 cups brown rice,…

Running With Knee Pain: The Role of the Vastus Medialis Oblique for Knee Health

Knee pain is a common running injury. A rapid increased in mileage, hill training, weakness in the quadriceps, hip, glut, foot, and ankle musculature are contributing factors to knee pain. Lack of stabilization at the hip or lower leg places…

Runner of the Month: May 2015

Name: John Duffield Age: 68 Hometown: I grew up at Mystic Lake and Thompson Falls Currently Living: I've been living in Missoula since 1974 Miles Run Per Week: Around 55 during max weeks of usual marathon training cycle What…