
Runner of the Month: September 2011

Name: Mike Foote Age: 28 Number of Miles Per Week: A lot Currently Training For: Montana Cup (Oct 29th)! Favorite Place to Run: It’s a toss up between Woods Gulch in the Rattlesnake and the French Alps. How Long Have You…
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Missoula Takes Montana Cup!

Well, we'd like to win the Montana Cup this year! Montana Cup is a cross country race and teams are taken from the seven major cities in Montana. There is a masters, open and junior division and the race rotates between each of these cities…
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Roots Run 2011 Results

Congratulations to all the participants who completed the River City Roots 4-mile Run! In a somewhat smokey valley and in warmer weather, we had over 340 runners and walkers complete the course. An amazing feat! 2011 Results

Mike Foote, 1st American at UTMB!

A BIG congrats to Mike Foote, the first American to cross the finish line at UTMB (Ultra-Trail du Mont- Blanc), a 100 mile foot race in France! Mike, we couldn't be happier for you! All of your hard work, determination, and love of the…

Runner of the Month: August 2011

Name: Ani Haas Age: 23 Number of Years Running: 1 Occupation: Student at UM Currently Training For: Mid Mountain Marathon Favorite Pastime: Cooking, baking, eating! Favorite Quote: “"I think every woman should have…

Mike Foote To Run 100 Mile Race in Europe

Mike Foote is going to Europe! The ultra Trail du Mont Blanc is a 104 Mile mountain race that has a 31,000 ft of elevation gain and travels through three countries.  There will be 2300 people running it and it is one of the most…