Believe in the Power of Your Mind

“You must unlearn what you have learned. ... Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try,” declared Yoda before Luke Skywalker's ill-fated attempt to raise his X-wing fighter from the Degobah swamp in the Empire Strikes Back. Within this scene,…

Bridget Baxter's Metabolic Fit class

Stay committed to your health and fitness goals!  Metabolic Fit is designed to optimize the way your body burns fuel by maintaining lean muscle.  This workout is the most bang for your buck.  It trains your body to optimize all energy systems,…

Winter Cross Training For Runners: Why Clamshells & Squats Are Not Enough

Winter in the Northern Rockies is synonymous with snow, ice, and abundant recreational opportunities. Whether you are a die-hard winter runner, or spend your free time skiing or snowboarding, strength training should be included in your winter…

Winter Spinach Salad

This recipe is so easy to create and so good for you.  The superfood powerhouses spinach, extra virgin olive oil and walnuts give this salad credibility, while the green apple and goat cheese really bring the flavor.  If you don’t plan to…

Runner of the Month: December 2015

Name: Darren Bayer Age: 45 Hometown: Truckee, CA but Tami and I have been here since 1996 Miles Run Per Week: Depends on the week but typically 25+. What Age Did You Start Running: 41 Currently Training For: I'm currently training…

Taking Risks: Coaching Tips by Nicole Hunt

Winter is often that time of year when runners reflect back on their racing year and then create new goals for the next season. When creating goals it’s comforting to set easy attainable goals rather than to strive for your ultimate potential…