Calling All Ladies: Support Your Girls!

As we gear up for spring running in Montana, we see a lot of customers coming to the Runners Edge to buy new shoes. New shoes are something that we are typically diligent in replacing. But did you know replacing your sports bra is equally…

Treadmill Challenge 2016

We are getting excited for our 3rd Annual Treadmill Challenge on Wednesday, February 3rd and hope you are too! For yet another year we have invited some of Montana’s best male and female runners to duke it out in front of a live audience…

Update to RE Rewards Program for 2016

We are excited to announce an addition to our RE Rewards Program for 2016! For every pair of shoes purchased in 2016, you will receive a raffle ticket in our end-of-the-year sweepstakes! For example, if you purchase 3 shoes over the course…

Runner of the Month: January 2016

For those of you who don't know him, Steve Weiler is one of the founding fathers of running in our community. A group of runners, including Steve, started Missoula Road and Track, later named Run Wild Missoula, in the late '80s. Over the years,…

Rut Registration Opens January 5th!

We are excited to announce the opening of race registration for our 2016 Rut Mountain Runs tomorrow, Tuesday, January 5th, 8am, MST. The event will be help over Labor Day weekend, September 2nd - 4th, at Big Sky Resort, Big Sky, MT.  For…

Foot Facts: Understanding Your Feet to Prevent Injuries

  Thanks for the great article, John! Take a few minutes and read on. This is a nicely summarized article on why foot care will help help us reduce injuries as runners.    Feet are generally underappreciated. We cover our feet…