Understanding Knee Osteoarthritis

By: Erin Williams, PT, DPT Knee Osteoarthritis: To run or not to run? We gravitate toward running because of many wonderful benefits. To name a few, running maintains heart, lung, muscle, tendon, and bone density health - and that’s just…

2022 Sentinel Hill Climb Recap

As businesses wrapped up their work days, the people of Missoula migrated to the M Trail for the annual Sentinel Hill Climb. The race is unique, featuring a 6pm start on a Thursday evening. Not to mention, the race covers 1900’ of climbing…

2022 Sentinel Hill Climb Elite Preview

Every year, the Sentinel Hill Climb brings out some of the fastest runners in western Montana to test their mettle against Missoula’s famous mountain. To reduce congestion on the M Trail (and make for an exciting race), an “elite heat”…

How to Choose a Trail Shoe

Welcome to the wonderful world of trail shoes! If you ended up here, you’re probably looking for some help picking out a trail shoe. We’ll go over some of the key features to look for when choosing a shoe, and some questions to ask yourself…
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Final Bitterroot Runoff Training Run this Sunday!

Join RE Events and Alpine Running Guides at 9:00am this Sunday, April 10th for the final Bitterroot Runoff Training Run! We will have groups running 3-6 miles on the Bitterroot Runoff course. This is a great chance to scope out parts of the…
Running on Mt Jumbo

What goes up, must come down

By: Sam Van de Velde Exercise Physiologist at Sapphire Physical Therapy (and RE's newest employee!) How to get better at running uphill A large component of uphill running is based on having an efficient cardiovascular system. There is a…