Fast & FURious 5k

The Student Animal Legal Defense Fund (SALDF) in partnership with the Veteran Law Groupn (VLG) are hosting a Fast & FURious 5K run on April 9, 2017 along the Kim Williams Trail in Missoula, MT. Participants are encouraged to run with…

Recipe of the Month: Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies

Who doesn’t love a soft, homemade chocolate chip cookie!?  A few weekends ago I had a craving for chocolate chip cookies, so I rifled through the internet looking at recipes and picked the ingredients I liked from three. I combined ingredients…

Runner/Walker of the Month: March 2017

Jane & Frank are part of the new walking group that meets at the Runners Edge under leader John Pitcairn. They're a pleasure to be around and have committed to make health a central part of their lifestyle. Thank you, Frank & Jane, for…

Around Town: Griz Glow 5k 2017

The Griz Glow is an annual 5k fun run in April with a glow-in-the-dark theme. Participants are encouraged to dress as brightly as possible (neon, glow-in-the-dark, headlamps), while we provide you with glow sticks and glow zones on the course. 2017…

7 Foods That May Cause Inflammation in Runners: Coaching Tips by Nicole Murray

Inflammation in runners may cause undesired weight gain and overall generalized achiness. Our bodies naturally create inflammation to repair muscular damage which is a healthy healing response however there are also dietary factors that could…