Sapphire PT Corner: Bone Stress Injuries and RED-S in Female Runners
Evie Tate, PT, DPT
Sapphire Physical Therapy
Bone stress injuries (BSI) or “stress fractures” are one of the more common running-related injuries seen in female runners (1,2). These injuries occur when our bones are broken down faster…
Evidence for Exercise
By: Evie Tate, PT, DPT at Sapphire Physical Therapy
Have you ever had an overuse injury like a tendinopathy (also known as tendinitis)? A common misconception about this injury is that rest is the most important piece to recovery. Though…
Introducing Quarantine Q+A | Sara Boughner
Welcome to the Quarantine Q+A
Each week we interview members of our community to learn how the Corona Virus pandemic has impacted their lives, and how they are adapting in these challenging times. Our 'Quarantine Interviewees' are healthcare…
High Speed 2D Video Running Analysis
Injuries impact nearly 80% of all runners at some point (Br J Sports Med 2007). While some runners rarely miss a training run or race due to injury, many experience a variety of injuries and/or recurrent injuries. The key to effectively treating…
Training Consistency for Successful Distance Running
The roads and lower elevation trails around Missoula have melted after being snow-covered since mid-December. April 1st is the day fools like me test out our skiing fitness and ramp up our running mileage in preparation for early season…
Winter Running and Training Tip: Reducing off season hamstring injury
By: John Fiore, PT
Sapphire Physical Therapy
The sun appeared today and the thermometer reached 40 degrees Fahrenheit (ed. note: this was written last week!). Warmer temperatures and sp ring racing commitments result in a rapid increase in…