Ken O’Donnell, Erin Forde, and Erin Williams are three new employees at Runner’s Edge. We are happy to have them on board and hope you can swing by and say hi!
Name: Ken O’Donnell, Erin Forde, Erin Williams
How long have you been in Missoula?
K- Since January 2016
EF- Three years, yay Mountains!
EW- “I was born and raised in Missoula, Montana. I am fifth generation Montanan. My state love runs deep.”
How many years have you been running?
K- 10 Years
EF- 11 years, since middle school
EW- 10 Years, since sophomore year at Hellgate
Are you training for anything in particular?
K- “What I’m really training for is good health and the ability to stay extremely active for the rest of my life.”
EF- “My husband and I are going to run our first Missoula Half Marathon.”
EW- “Ski season! And I am going to be using our glorious summer to get ready for the Rut 28k.”
What is your favorite local race?
K- Catch ‘Em If You Can 5K (editor’s note: now Heartthrob 5k)
EF- Turkey Trot with family and friends
EW- I love the Blue Mountain 30k
What is your do you enjoy most about the local running community?
K- “Everyone seems to love running AND beer!”
EF- “Everyone is so welcoming! It’s always intimidating starting a new job or run with new people, but you all sure have made the transition super easy! 🙂 I’ve had so much fun meeting people that enjoy being outside and having a blast while running.”
EW- “I continue to be tickled by the accessibility to support, and motivation for each other. I am so grateful and excited to help strengthen this community and their love of movement and running.”
What is your best running memory?
K- “On Christmas I went for a run in the morning when it was still dark and there was a fresh layer of snow everywhere and the air just had that feeling to it that only a frigid, dark winter morning has. I was running out of town and even though all I could hear was the crunch of snow underfoot, the sound of my breathing and the constant wind, I could still sense the lights from town and that buzz of electricity. Then the presence of town and the hum of all the fridges, lights and obnoxious speakers at the Maverick gas station suddenly stopped! I turned around and saw that almost the entire city had lost power! It was so dark and so quiet! It was as if the city had disappeared and I was looking out from this big hill at a vast, empty, dark place where no people lived. I ran home in the dark and the silence and being there no streetlights where I was, fortunately for me, there wasn’t a soul out driving around at that time on Christmas morning.”
EF- “Hopefully it will be the half marathon I run with my Hubby! Otherwise the 5k beer run because there’s a free beer at the end! :)”
EW- “In February 2016, I ran up Ben Lomond Peak in Queenstown, NZ. We ran up into a Hallmark sunset. The ascent was roughly two and a half Mount Sentinels stacked with more curves, flowers, and once domesticated goats. We went out hard. Every time I reminisce I am just unbelievably grateful for the exposure running can provide to a place.